To provide programs and services that promote stability, personal growth and long term success for youth in San Francisco.


We envision a society where all youth have the resources and support systems to achieve their goals and become healthy, contributing members of society.


At City Youth Now we address barriers that create inequity. We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion in all areas of our work including; the youth and families we serve, with our staff and leadership and through the work we do. We are committed to inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity and experience.


Do you know of a young person in need of assistance?

Learn more about how we can best work together to support our youth.

Are you interested in supporting our organization?

Learn how you can donate time or resources to help our youth thrive!

Are you a young person interested in assistance?

Talk to your probation officer or social worker about receiving our services.


Personal Empowerment Program (PEP)

The Personal Empowerment Program (PEP) is designed to support the holistic development of our youth by addressing barriers to accessing programs, services and critical need items.

Youth Partnering for Education & Employment (YPEE)

This program integrates our educational support and vocational training services with activities and resources that prepare youth for gainful employment.

Inside-Out: Juvenile Justice Center Programs

Inside-Out Our Inside-Out program provides support for youth housed inside of the Juvenile Justice Center including academic support and recreational activities.




Scholarships Provided

with 90% of youth scholarship recipients coming from the SF Foster Care/Juvenile Justice System pursuing higher education



youth and TAY youth annually

through our Personal Empowerment Program

In FY23


of YPEE youth intern graduates

transitioned to another job or opportunity after graduating


I could go on and on about how much CYN does for the youth and their families but I will keep it short. I am a social worker who is often seeking resources for families in need. ANYTIME I approach CYN for support they make it happen, in some cases on the same day! The support they provide not only makes my job easier it also give families a sense of caring/love/hope/community/peace. The tangible items meet a need but the sentiment behind the giving is what really makes a difference in the lives of the families they serve. I am so grateful for CYN!

[City Youth Now] is an organization that is right at the heart of juvenile probation that helps youth through the help of their provider whether it be community provider, probation officer, or social worker…They are able to support the youth and help them meet their goals even if it is something simple such as making sure they have shoes for an interview or making sure they have pens and paper to go to school cause sometimes that is the reason that they do not want to go to school… City Youth Now is very accessible, they are very friendly, and if you just ask for support, more often than not, they will be able to support you and if they can’t help you they will point you in the right direction…Instead of telling you what to do they ask what do you need. Instead telling students to go to school they can provide a backpack. Whatever a youth needs, City Youth Now can help somehow.

They hand pick things for the kids, it’s not generalized. It’s not like “all these gifts are for girls just give them to whatever girls”. They actually write the name on the doll. An example like, this little doll is for Sophia. And I think that makes it very special because when you have your name, or when you hear your name, or when you see your name on a tag you’re like, “Oh they took the time to write my name on it” so I think that makes them very very special.

City Youth Now has been extremely helpful. A lot of kids I have worked with have got laptops from City Youth Now. They got a bed for someone who had no bed and was sleeping on a couch. They help kids feel just like everybody else…Items that kids need which you and I would take for granted, City Youth now provides and fills that void…They feel very supported and it (tangible or financial help) helps springboard their success and reach whatever goal they are trying to obtain…City Youth Now fills that void for a lot kids in the City who would not make it without assistance.

It is a great way to show support to our families and youth who have limited resources that there are people who truly care about them. Having a Program like City Youth Now helps link families to service that they may not have access to. I truly appreciate what CYN is doing for these families. Thank you.

This program helps me to provide as much support and resources to my students as I can. It is amazing to have a hands-on resource that makes a real difference in my student’s life!

[CYN Programs are] beneficial to me as a community provider because it provides the youth I serve in the community with opportunities to get their basic needs met and stabilize. When my clients are stable they are more able to focus on their personal goals and growth.

It provides an opportunity for a youth to gain skills and provide families with a little extra support. This can reduce stress in their families and feel as though they are actually being supported. Thank you so much for your awesome work and always trying to find a way to serve the youth and families.

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